

Nellie’s new knitting needles knit neatly.
Nellie’s new knitting needles knit neatly.
Nellie’s new knitting needles knit neatly.

Nellie 的新编织针很好用。

Nothing have, nothing crave. Nothing have, nothing crave. Nothing have, nothing crave.


“My, my,” the monster’s mother murmured.
“My little monster may have made a mistake.
Too many moist morsels may make you miser-able.”


The monster’s mother made many morsels for the monster to munch.
Most of the morsels the monster’s mother made were moist,
But the most moist morsels were mainly the morsels that the monster munched.


Mummies munch much mush; Monsters munch much mush; Many mummies and monsters Must munch much mush.

木乃伊大声说出许多感伤的话; 怪物大声说出许多感伤的话; 许多木乃伊和怪物都得大声说出许多感伤的话。

Matt’s mismatched mittens make Matt miserable. Matt’s mismatched mittens make Matt miserable. Matt’s mismatched mittens make Matt miserable.


A mermaid made Mike marmalade. A mermaid made Mike marmalade. A mermaid made Mike marmalade.

美人鱼给 Mike做果酱。

Many a little makes a mickle. Many a little makes a mickle. Many a little makes a mickle.


Mark’s name makes Nate’s namesake shake.

Mark 的名字使Nate的同名人摇摆。

Mister Mitter admitted that he missed Mrs. Mitter.
Mister Mitter admitted that he missed Mrs. Mitter.
Mister Mitter admitted that he missed Mrs. Mitter.


Mussels with mustard is Mister Mussman’s main meal.


Mr. Melton made a metal motor. Mr. Melton made a metal motor. Mr. Melton made a metal motor.


The minx mixed a medicine mixture. The minx mixed a medicine mixture. The minx mixed a medicine mixture.


Michael’s mouse munched muffins. Michael’s mouse munched muffins. Michael’s mouse munched muffins.


Why may we melee, when we may waylay? Why may we melee, when we may waylay? Why may we melee, when we may waylay?


Where there is muck there is luck. Where there is muck there is luck. Where there is muck there is luck.


Libby locked Larry in the lobby. “Mom! Libby locked me in the lobby,” Larry lamented. “Let Larry loose, Libby,” Mom laughed.

Libby把 Larry关在大厅。 “妈妈! Libby把我关在大厅” Larry叹气说,“放了 Larry, Libby,”妈妈笑着说。

If Long Longman loaded a lotta long logs, then where are all the long logs Lon Longman loaded?

如果Long Longman装上很多根长木头,那么Long Longman装的那些长长的木头在哪里?

Lon Longman loaded a lotta long logs.
Lon Longman loaded a lotta long logs.
Lon Longman loaded a lotta long logs.

Lon Longman装上许多长木头。

The lamb loaned the llama a little lamp. The lamb loaned the llama a little lamp. The lamb loaned the llama a little lamp.


The llama loaned the lamb a long ladder. The llama loaned the lamb a long ladder. The llama loaned the lamb a long ladder.


He who laughs last laughs best. He who laughs last laughs best. He who laughs last laughs best.


Levi left the leaves lying on the littered lawn.
Levi left the leaves lying on the littered lawn.
Levi left the leaves lying on the littered lawn.


The less the lame loon leaned on its little lame leg, the less the loon limped.


Luke likes licorice. Luke likes licorice. Luke likes licorice.


Lesser leather never weathered lesser wetter weather.
Lesser leather never weathered lesser wetter weather.


Lester lists the lesser lesson last. Lester lists the lesser lesson last. Lester lists the lesser lesson last.


Lizzie’s dizzy lizard did not litter Lizzie’s lot.
Lizzie’s dizzy lizard did not litter Lizzie’s lot.
Lizzie’s dizzy lizard did not litter Lizzie’s lot.


Lanky Lawrence lost his lass and lobster.
Did Lanky Lawrence lose his lass and lobster?
Lanky Lawrence lost his lass and lobster,
Where’s the lass and lobster Lanky Lawrence lost?

Lanky Lawrence失去了他的情妇和龙虾。
Lanky Lawrence失去了他的情妇和龙虾吗?
Lanky Lawrence失去了他的情妇和龙虾,
Lanky Lawrence失去的情妇和龙虾在哪里?

Larry ’s lair lacks locks. Larry’s lair lacks locks. Larry’s lair lacks locks.
